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Dual Practice Standard of Practice PDF

Physiotherapists may provide more than one role within the health or wellness systems (e.g., acupuncturist, chiropractor, personal trainer). This standard establishes the regulatory expectations when a physiotherapist is fulfilling more than one role.


The physiotherapist clearly identifies instances when they are providing non-physiotherapy services.

Expected Outcomes

Clients can expect that the physiotherapist will clearly identify instances where the services provided do not constitute physiotherapy.

Performance expectations

The physiotherapist:

  • Does not represent non-physiotherapy services as physiotherapy or use protected titles when providing non-physiotherapy services.
  • If offering non-physiotherapy services, establishes each service as a distinct entity, maintaining:
  1. Separate billing and financial records for each service, issuing invoices that clearly, transparently, and accurately indicate the service provided.
  2. Separate client records for each service or separate entries in a shared client record that clearly identify which professional role/service was provided at each client visit.
  3. Separate appointment books and/or distinct days and times for providing each service.
  4. Separate advertising, marketing, and promotional activities for each service.
  • Provides physiotherapy services if the client sought physiotherapy services, unless the physiotherapy services sought are not in the client’s best interests.
  • Clearly communicates with clients and others when the services proposed do not constitute physiotherapy services.
  • Advises the client of the implications of receiving non- physiotherapy services, including potential funding implications and obtaining client informed consent for non- physiotherapy services.

Related Standards

Glossary References

Page updated: 12/03/2025