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Episode 61: Are you ready for your close-up? Video recording in physiotherapy practice

Play The Podcast: Episode 61: Are you ready for your close-up? Video recording in physiotherapy practice

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17 June 2024

Speakers: Sean FitzGerald and Leanne Loranger

In this episode, Sean and Leanne discuss video recording in physiotherapy practice settings, including video surveillance, generating recordings of virtual visits, and creating videos of patient instructions or home exercise programs as part of in-person visits.

Physiotherapists usually provide lots of information to clients, and there can be benefits to providing video summaries of information. However, physiotherapists need to consider the privacy, record keeping, and consent issues that arise if they create videos in their practice settings and take steps to proactively address these issues.

Physiotherapists should also consider the potential that a client may record a clinical interaction, either with their knowledge and consent or not.


Page updated: 18/06/2024