Play The Podcast: Episode 22: Tattling vs Telling – Professionalism in Practice
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15 March 2021

In this episode, Jody and Leanne discuss what professionalism means and the expectations that arise as part of being a member of a self-regulating profession.
Professionalism is a topic of conversation that arises frequently within the physiotherapy profession. Organizations such as entry to practice education programs, accreditation organizations, and regulators all agree that professionalism matters, but defining what is or is not professional is challenging. We discuss how attitudes and beliefs about professionalism often stem from messages internalized long before a person entered the profession. Professionalism is also complicated by the fact that as society’s norms and expectations change, perspectives about what constitutes professional behaviour also change.
In some ways, it is easier to define what it means to be a member of a self-regulating profession. Jody and Leanne discuss what’s expected when an issue is brought to a physiotherapist’s attention, and what to do when a physiotherapist notices a peer isn’t meeting expectations. When do physiotherapists need to call on each other to meet expectations, and when is it appropriate to contact the College of Physiotherapists of Alberta about a fellow physiotherapist’s practices?