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2023 College-Selected Activity Topic

Regulated physiotherapists on the General Register are required under the Health Professions Act to participate in the College's Continuing Competence Program.

The 2023 College-Selected Activity is on the topic of restricted activities.

The topic of restricted activities was selected as the 2023 College-Selected Activity due to the broad application of these activities in physiotherapy practice and recent changes to the legislation governing the performance of these activities.

Restricted activities are identified as such in legislation due to the risks they pose to the public if performed by individuals lacking the competence (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) necessary to perform the activities safely.

Although not all physiotherapists perform restricted activities in their daily practice, all physiotherapists must be cognizant of the legislation that governs practice and must be thoughtful about how that legislation applies to their daily work.

When renewing their practice permits in August/September, physiotherapists will be expected to make a declaration respecting completion of the objectives and activities set out for the 2023 College-Selected Activity.

Physiotherapists will have:

  • Completed the online learning module – Restricted Activities in Alberta – Available July 2023.
  • Reviewed the Performance of Restricted Activities Standard of Practice (2023).
  • Reflected on the restricted activities that you are competent and authorized to perform and how you have developed and maintained your competence to do so.
  • Considered the supervision responsibilities, challenges, and enablers related to restricted activities within your practice setting.
  • Considered the patient safety incidents relevant to your practice and practice setting and measures in place to manage these events, including incident management plans and practice drills.

More information about the 2023 College-Selected Activity is on the College’s website.

Page updated: 09/06/2023