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In effect for the 2024/2025 registration year: October 1, 2024, to September 30, 2025.

Regulated members

Application fee

For initial and reinstatement applications. Waived for members who cancel their registration and apply to be reinstated within the same registration year, eg. October 1 to September 30. The application fee is non-refundable.


Practice permit fee

Annual fee for new applicants and regulated members renewing their practice permit. The practice permit fee is non-refundable.


Practice permit fee pro-rated

For new applicants whose application is approved between April 1 and September 30.


Late payment fee

Applied when a complete practice permit renewal application (this includes full payment) is received after September 15.


Reinstatement fee

Applied when a former member does not renew their practice permit or cancel their registration and subsequently applies to reinstate their registration.


Decision review fee



NSF cheque


Page updated: 02/07/2024