Under the Health Professions Act, you are required to report changes to your name, contact information, academic record, employment, restricted activities performed, and registration with another college whenever the information changes . You are also required to report any criminal charges, convictions and unprofessional conduct to the Registrar as soon as reasonably possible.
Use My Profile in the Member Portal to report changes as they occur.
Your name(s)
- Current Practice Name. This is the name that appears on your practice permit and Public Register and, therefore, the name you use when practicing physiotherapy.
- Other Names. Your registration record must contain all your names even if it is not the name in which you practice. This includes full legal name, previous name, maiden name, alias or adopted/married name. For example, married physiotherapists who adopt their spouse's last name but continue to use their maiden name in practice must still report the adopted name.
Contact information
- Current residence address
- Home telephone number
- Email address
Academic Record
- Physiotherapy qualifying education. Reported at initial application and appears in My Profile without the ability for the registrant to change.
- Other University-level education.
Restricted Activities
- You are required to report which restricted activities you perform. Some restricted activities require additional authorization. Click here for more information.
Specialist Title
- Specialist designation you are authorized to use. Click here for the authorization requirements and process.
Registration other Jurisdictions
- Other jurisdictions you are currently or were previously registered as a physiotherapist or other regulated professional.
Practice Location
Record of all practice locations during the current registration year.
- Organization
- Direct telephone to reach you at the organization (this number also appears in the Verify a Physiotherapist search function)
- Role (permanent, temporary, casual)
- Type (full-time, part-time)
- Practice scope
- Age range of patients
- Areas of practice (maximum 4).
With the exception of regulatory notice, the College of Physiotherapists of Alberta will only send electronic communication which you explicitly consent to receive.
Clinical Competency Examination
Regulated members on the Provisional Register must report all clinical competency examination attempts, regardless of the outcome, other than the Alberta Post-Graduate Clinical Examination. Clinical competency examination refers to any Canadian physiotherapy regulator's clinical competency evaluation for full licensure. This information cannot be reported using My Profile in the Member Portal. You must provide the information by emailing registration@cpta.ab.ca.