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Funds for Therapy and Counselling

The Health Professions Act requires the College of Physiotherapists of Alberta to provide funding for treatment and/or counselling for patients who have experienced sexual abuse or sexual misconduct by a physiotherapist while a patient.

Overview of Funds

  • A patient may access funds for up to five years or until the maximum amount of funding has been provided, whichever occurs first.
  • Funds cease if the complaint is dismissed or there are no findings.
  • The patient may choose any regulated health professional to provide treatment or counselling, subject to the following restrictions:
    • The regulated member does not have a conflict of interest (i.e., not a family member)
    • The regulated member is in good standing with their regulatory college
  • Funding can only be used to cover the cost of treatment or counselling.
  • The maximum amount of funding available to a patient is $23,900.


To access funding

The College of Physiotherapists of Alberta uses a third party to administer the fund that also offers treatment and counselling services or will manage payment to a qualified provider of the patient’s choice.

The College's Conduct Coordinator will provide the patient with instructions to access funding once eligibility has been determined.

Other treatment and counselling services

Community resources may also be available. Contact the Association of Alberta Sexual Assault Services for services in your area.

Page updated: 15/05/2024